Monday, April 23, 2007

Making Nice with Newsweek

Over the past year or so, you could sort of say that a significant share of my work has focused on criticizing Newsweek: Andy and I wrote a paper questioning their ranking of "America's Top High Schools," a Newsweek cover story on the "boy crisis" got me to look into the issue and eventually write a paper that challenged that article's take on the issue, and the zero-to-three hype I criticize in a recent paper grew in part from a late-1990s Newsweek article. It's not something I planned, but I do seem to have created an odd little subgenre for myself here. But I'm pleased to report that my latest paper on the overhyping of the first three years got a positive mention in a recent Newsweek story on the same topic. Since Newsweek played a role in sparking this hype, I'm glad to see them play a role in correcting some of the misinformation parents and the public have received about the first three years. You can also hear me discuss the topic further for Newsweek on Air.

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