Thursday, June 07, 2007

Will vs. Will

In a profile of Newark mayor Cory Booker, George Will says:

Fifty years ago Newark's population was 460,000. Now it is 284,000 -- up about 10,000 in five years -- of which 54 percent are black and 33 percent are Latino. In 1995 the state took over the school system, in which principalships were being sold and so much of schools' budgets went for the salaries of unionized teachers that some classrooms lacked even chalk.

I assume this means that Will has renounced his previous support for the "65 Cent Solution," a half-baked education policy "reform" proposal that would require local school districts to spend a minimum of money on instruction--that is, "salaries of unionized teachers"--and thus reduce spending on things like chalk.

Must have missed that column when it ran.

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