Thursday, August 09, 2007

That Can't Be a Good Thing

Washington insiders will doubtless be chatting for days about Matthew Scully's tell-all takedown($) of his former colleague, lionized Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson, in the new Atlantic Monthly. Seriously, you'd have to be saint or one of the 2.6% of Americans who still approve of the President to not a least kind of enjoy it. But I found this to be disquieting:

Even on the dreariest days—slogging through a tax, education, or Chamber of Commerce speech—Mike and John and I endlessly entertained one another, with all the running jokes and gags you’d expect three guys in a room to develop. Education speeches in particular—with their endlessly complicated programs and slightly puffed-up theories, none of which we could ever explain quite to the satisfaction of our policy people—were always good for a laugh. As John observed in late 2003, around draft 20 in the typically chaotic revising of an education speech, “We’ve taken the country to war with less hassle than this.”

Education is really so boring and complicated that it can't be made interesting by the spin-meisters and wordsmiths in the Bush Administration?!! I think that's really depressing.

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