In a recent report for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Jonah Rockoff, Brian Jacob, Thomas Kane, and Douglas Staiger look at a host of teacher recruit characteristics and analyze their ability to predict the teacher's effectiveness in the classroom based on these characteristics. The characteristics include some commonly studied ones like their SAT scores, whether the teacher passed their licensure test on the first try, their undergraduate major, and the selectivity of their undergraduate college. The list also included less commonly used measures like tests of cognitive and mathematic ability, conscientousness, extraversion, and efficacy. They also included a commercial screener used by several large urban districts.
The added information did lead to better predictions. But even with all these new variables on incoming teachers, the researchers could explain only 12 percent of the variance in teacher effectiveness. As they wrote, "This underscores the difficult, perhaps impossible, task of identifying systematically the most highly effective or ineffective teachers without any data on actual performance in the classroom."
The findings do not mean this difficult task is impossible (promising research out of Louisiana suggests that teacher preparation programs matter), but it does suggest we take the Malcolm Gladwell / Tom Kane theory of teacher recruitment more seriously. It means that, to get a higher quality teaching workforce, it isn't simply a matter of recruiting more talented, more efficacious, or more extraverted teachers. It means allowing more people to try their hand at the profession, intensively screening them while they're in the classroom, and then enacting salary and personnel policies to both keep them in the profession and keep them performing at a high level.
Unfortunately, we're much more willing to allow screens (really just educated guesses) at the moment of hiring than after the teacher has been in the job. One huge obstacle in basing personnel decisions on teacher effectiveness is being confident that value-added measures reflect actual value and not the effects of one bad class. Some excellent research by Dan Goldhaber and Michael Hansen tested the bad-apple theory in teacher value-added effectiveness. They used three years of data to rank teachers into five groups, and then asked what percent of teachers moved groups. In one dataset, 31 of 281 teachers placed in the bottom group in their
As the chart at left shows, the estimations were by no means perfect. The screen would eliminate some fair and even some very good teachers, but mostly (and this word is not comforting to teachers or their representatives) it screened out ineffective teachers. Mostly the teachers who were ineffective in their first three years were ineffective after.
The word "mostly" should not be reason to summarily dismiss the use of value-added teacher effectiveness scores in personnel decisions. Rather, it should be embraced as a good start, something to be combined with other evaluations, especially given new research suggesting good teaching cannot easily be screened at the hiring stage.
I think we have different definitions of "mostly." To my mind, when 29% of the "bottom 20%" are in the top 40% after tenure (at least in this measure with reading), with this sample size, that's odd.
top 20%
reading, 6%; math, 0%
top 40%
reading, 29%; math, 13%
top 60%
reading, 42%; math, 32%
bottom 40%
reading, 58%; math, 67%
There's a greater proportion still in the bottom 40%, but the instability is greatly troubling, not reassuring.
Notice how we could take your last paragraph, change one word, and then we'd have a better start:
"The word "mostly" should not be reason to summarily dismiss the use of value-added teacher effectiveness scores in personnel decisions. Rather, it should be embraced as a good SUPPLEMENT, something to be combined with other evaluations, especially given new research suggesting good teaching cannot easily be screened at the hiring stage."
Why is it important to use data as a supplement or complement if you like? Much of the variance comes from circumstances completely out of the control of teachers like a bad principal, a bad central office administrative policy, or having classrooms without teachers on the right of you and the left of you.
Handle value-added wrong, and that's what you get - empty classrooms.
Besides, as long as we have the option of the Toledo Plan, where the Union takes the lead of getting rid of 8 to 10% of teachers every year as well as adding value to their professional developement as well as encouraging the conversations necessary for school improvement, then we don't need to gamble with untested and still unreliable hypotheses.
There are several holes in your analysis/reasoning, which can muddy your conclusions – albeit the overall suggestion of assessing teachers on the job makes a lot of sense. Here is a quick list of several issues that come to mind.
1. Goldhaber has found in other analyses that teacher value-added estimates can be quite unstable (.2 to .3 correlation from Year 1 to Year 2 effects). Ergo using standardized test scores to judge teachers need to be used with caution — and never as a sole criterion. Given that only about 25 percent of our nation’s teachers can have a standardized test and value-added estimate ascribed to them, other forms of evaluation should be used as a “jumping off point.”
2. Kane and other economists have found that, using a host of teacher qualification and dispositional variables, only 12 percent of the variance in teacher effectiveness can be explained. Perhaps they did not load the right variables into their equation. Or perhaps they used very weak proxies for the independent variables they did measure. Did the economists have measures for whether the teachers had been trained to teach second language learners or special needs students? Did the economist have a measure for an effective student teaching experience? Or perhaps the researchers forgot to control for important mediating variables — like working conditions that could be confounding their findings.
3. You may want to go back at the Louisiana valued-added teacher education study you touted in a previous post. The most effective teacher education program was not the New Teacher Project (a short-cut alternative certification program) - but Northwestern State University and the University of Louisiana at Monroe — traditional programs that “prepared new teachers whose students demonstrated achievement in four or more content areas that was comparable or above the growth of achievement demonstrated by children taught by experienced teachers.” Perhaps, there are some dispositions of the new recruits or specific preparatory experiences that seem to be making a difference. Qualitative researchers, not labor economists, are more likely to surface the nuanced understandings that can generate a more sophisticated view of teacher recruitment and education.
4. Gladwell actually does NOT call for the dispensing of teacher preparation. He concludes by calling for residencies and apprenticeships that can serve as training grounds for a new generation of teaching talent — akin to what we call for in our assessment of Urban Teacher Residencies at
5. There are new providers – like the New Teacher Project — that are doing a great deal to improve teacher recruitment and preparation. These efforts need to be studied and best practices emulated. But there are so-called traditional teacher recruitment and preparation programs — located at diverse universities such as Northwestern State University or at UCLA’s Center X — that are making a difference for teacher retention and student achievement as well. It is time to stop thinking either/or and begin thinking and/both.
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