Generally school choice is a good thing except when it is not. Some districts have struggled with school choice open enrollment policies running the risk of further desegregation of schools if transportation options are not provided. These two districts, however, have taken school choice to a whole new level. These two districts have created legacy policies that provide preference to out of district students whose parents are alumni. This is a bad enough idea in higher education where it has long been a practice. Bringing it to K-12 seems like a step back in the equity world. Lets hope that this is not a trend. One of the district trustees sums it up best
"What's wrong with being elitist? We're Beverly Hills"
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
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1 comment:
I think you meant REsegregation, not DEsegregation.
IF a district allows out-of-zone families to pay tuition to enroll their children, I don't have a problem with giving legacy kids with grandparents still residing in the town (and paying taxes) preference for those slots. But I didn't get the impression that Beverly Hills was charging tuition to the families of legacy kids.
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