Monday, July 27, 2009

Charter Schools and Unions

The New York Times reported yesterday on recent efforts to unionize charter schools and the ongoing debate over the impact unionization could have on the growth and performance of charters. It's an important discussion, but no one knows where it will end - will unionized charter schools be a small part of the larger movement or is this the beginning of widespread unionization in charters? And what will the impact be on charter school operations and ability to try new things, including different pay scales and work hours? And, of course, what will the impact be on student achievement?

To help dig into these issues, Education Sector hosted an online discussion earlier this month with a diverse group of public school teachers, including teachers at charter schools. The discussion likely won't answer any questions, but it does shed some light on the role unions play in today's education system and the lively, and at times contentious, debate over their place in the future.

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