Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Testing Opportunity

This Week in Education's Alexander Russo comments on the recent news of scoring errors on the SAT:

"You think anyone's going to go for national testing with all this going on? It'd be like saying you wanted to give more money to FEMA while Mike Brown was still there. Opponents would have a field day."

Isn't this exactly backwards? The current testing regime is a hodgepodge of 51 states and multiple for-profit testing providers whose collective success in providing timely, high-quality, error-free assessments has been variable at best. It seems to me that national standards proponents could plausibly point to these and other recent testing snafus and say "There's got to be a better way." Like a system that concentrates currently-duplicative resources on getting it right the first time, in a way that's more transparent and accountable to the public.

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