Thursday, December 18, 2008

Giving the Game Away

The No Child Left Behind Act is often criticized as creating "perverse incentives" or "unintended consequences" whereby seemingly virtuous policies inadvertently cause more harm than good by incenting bad behavior. It's a convenient man-bites-policy-dog way to frame a news story, and it allows people to preface denunciations of the law with some variant of "Of course I agree with the goals of the NCLB, but..." I've always been puzzled that educators are so quick to argue from the assumed moral weakness of their colleagues, taking as a given that teachers and administrators are bound by various made-up laws of human behavior that compel them to sell little Johnny down the river at the first opportunity. 

That said, the general principle is sound: education is complex and multi-dimensional and accountability systems should reflect that. Incentives should be aligned with goals; if they're not, problems can arise. There's a longstanding concern, for example, that holding high schools accountable for student learning will create incentives for schools to "push out" low-performing students by implicitly or expliciting encouraging them to leave. The solution seems pretty obvious: hold high schools accountable for graduation rates, reducing the temptation to engage in devious push-out behavior. Shut down the easy way out. 

Unfortunately, the high school graduation provisions in NCLB as written are pretty much a joke, allowing many states to adopt insane metrics that bear little or no resemblence to the actual percent of students graduating from high school and/or creating improvement timelines so attentuated that schools wouldn't have to get all students through high school until roughly the launch date of the Starship Enterprise. So the U.S. Department of Education took two eminently reasonable steps by require all states to (1) adopt a common standard of "high school graduation rate" whereby those words actually mean what they say, and (2) create improvement timelines that don't theoretically terminate in the next millenium. 

This would go along way toward solving whatever perverse "push-out" incentives currently exist. It also reflects the explicit policy of nearly every state in the nation, as expressed by their governors in a recent agreement. Naturally, the National Governor's Association supports this policy is working to eviscerate this policy while people are distracted during the upcoming transition. As Charlie Barone reports
A reliable source tells us that the NGA is lobbying the Obama transition team to roll back the regulation issued by Secretary Spellings in October that requires states to set a uniform and accurate method for measuring high school graduation rates. Spellings simply put in regs what the Governors themselves pledged to do more than three years ago. However, only 16 states so far have done so.

NGA has targeted a key member of the education transition team to carry their water for them and has been pressing hard, but it is not entirely clear whether the targeted person is helping them.

High school graduation rates represent a useful clarifying issue. There is no doubt that all students need to graduate from high school. There is no doubt that many students don't, and that poor and minority students are less likely to graduate than others. There is no earthly reason why the method for calculating high school graduation rates should vary from state to state, or that it should be anything other than "of those students who begin high school, the percent who graduate." If you're against meaningful accountability for a common high school graduation rate standards, then you're simply against accountability and common standards, period, full stop. 

Investing in the Downturn

Budget cuts and fights to preserve funding will dominate the headlines for at least the next year. But, sometimes, even in a downturn, it's important to invest new funds in particularly promising areas. It's why even in the face of massive financial uncertainty, GM is doing what it can to continue investments in ideas such as the battery-powered Chevy Volt.

A recent article in the Newport News, VA Daily Press gives a good example from education. The article highlights the impressive growth of the Virtual Virginia online learning program. The program offers 22 different AP courses and serves 2,200 students. But, despite the program's success, funding limits capacity and there are wait lists for some courses. And, with looming budget cuts, even the program's current capacity is at risk.

Consider these important facts in the article when thinking about this investment decision:
  • The program was designed to serve schools that couldn't afford to hire teachers for AP and other classes.
  • More than a quarter of U.S. high school students lack access to advanced courses at their schools, and those at small or rural schools "have the least opportunity to take one or more advanced courses in math, science, English or a foreign language," according to a 2007 NCES report.
  • Local districts also save money by not having to hire teachers; Virtual Virginia, for example, only requires districts to pay for textbooks and computer access and assign teachers to monitor students' in-school online sessions.
We don't have enough evidence from the article to run the numbers on the Virtual Virginia program, but it's likely that this type of program is the "Chevy Volt" of public education. It might actually save money. And, it's especially important if we prioritize effectiveness in accomplishing important goals, such as broadening and ensuring equitable access to advanced courses in math, science, and other areas.

The Southern Regional Educational Board, which does study these issues at a much deeper level, just published a thoughtful policy brief making the case for a better, more sustainable funding model for state-run virtual schools. Embedded in the brief is the idea that performance is important--even more so in a downturn.

PS -- Of course, things are so bad at GM that even the Volt is taking a hit.

Journalists and Charter Schools

Eduwonkette has some beef with the Washington Post's recent coverage of charter schools, specifically the Post's claim that public charter schools are outperforming district-run public schools (thanks Chad) on student achievement measures. Accompanying the test score results, the Post reported on the successful practices many schools engage in as reasons for their high scores - many of which wouldn't be possible without the freedom granted to these schools through charter schooling:
With freedom to experiment, the independent, nonprofit charters have emphasized strategies known to help poor children learn -- longer school days, summer and Saturday classes, parent involvement and a cohesive, disciplined culture among staff members and students.
Eduwonkette's complaint is about the accuracy of the Post's comparisons and she reaches back to 2004 and the hubbub that followed the AFT's report, which found that charter schools performed worse than traditional public schools. Eduwonkette's problem seems to be that charter school advocates are happy to take results coming from bad research design (the Post's coverage) so long as they are favorable, but jumped all over the research design of the AFT's report when it came out, even taking out a full page ad in the New York Times.

Sure, advocates are always happy to see results that support their position, but it's not fair or even all that reasonable to compare the Post's journalistic reporting of one city's results with the AFT's research report comparing charter schools and traditional public schools nationwide. The AFT sought to make a judgment on charter school performance across the nation, and made pretty big claims about the results, saying that they, "reinforce years of independent research that show charter schools do no better and often underperform comparable, regular public schools". In contrast, the Post made conclusions about the performance of charter schools in just one city, and, to their credit, included a graphic that shows the variance in charter school performance, rather than just relying on averages to tell the story.

This variance is the most important point in the story - that there is nothing inherent to charter schooling that produces higher student achievement, but, given the flexibility, there are some very concrete things schools can do to dramatically improve student achievement. That's good news for both charter schools and district-run public schools. And it's very good news for students.

Of course Eduwonkette has a point about the difficulties inherent in drawing conclusions from these types of comparisons - it's difficult to get true random assignment or perfect control groups and there is interference from a host of confounding variables. And it's important that journalists understand and explain these limitations and contextualize the results. But I would argue that there are very different implications and responsibilities when this type of rough comparison is conducted by and reported in a newspaper article than when it comes as a research report from a national and very prominent organization.

It's also important to mention the Post's first story in their charter school series, this one focusing on potential conflicts of interest in the charter school board. Clearly, conflicts of interest are bad and should be avoided, but I'm having a hard time seeing 1) how, exactly, these conflicts of interest manifested themselves in bad decisions by the charter school board and 2) a negative impact on charter schools in D.C., which, as the second story indicates, are doing well in large part because of a rigorous approval process by the charter school board. As this letter to the editor states, it's very important that journalists avoid dragging someone through the mud simply because he happens to work in and have expertise in an area, and then volunteers his time to share that expertise in an official capacity. It sends a message to the business community that they, and their expertise, are not welcome in public education.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Public Goods

The Washington Post deserves praise for the series they've been running recently on charter schools. But this graphic is mislabeled and misleading. Charter schools are public schools too, and it'll be nice when they're seen as complementary, friendly competition to traditional public school systems.


Like many people, I think President-elect Obama has made a good choice in selecting Chicago Public Schools superintendent Arne Duncan to be the next Secretary of Education. I've seen him speak in public twice and was impressed both times; he comes across as knowledgeable, down-to-earth, and committed to creating better schools for children who desperately need them. While Chicago clearly has a long way to go and the city's NAEP scores still lag other big urban districts, it's been on my mental list of cities that appear to be well-led and moving in the right direction. 

The pick took a while and in the interim a spate of stories appeared characterizing the selection as symbolic of various internecine education policy fights with the Democratic party. Of course, such divisions exist. But there's a growing tendency among various observers to engage in a certain kind of education policy high Broderism, using the disputes as an excuse to call for a renewed effort to build consensus, move beyond entrenched ideological positions, find common ground, set aside anger, and combine the best ideas of both sides in forging a new synthesis on behalf of the children. 

Look, maybe there are education issues where the middle way is best. But maybe there aren't. Sometimes the middle ground is a no-man's-land full of trenches, shell craters, and standing water. As is often the case, opposing ideas are sometimes irreconcilable. The new edu-centrism would be more convincing if people spent a little more time articulating what these synthesis policies actually look like, and why they're better than the ideas currently being debated. That's the difference between a position and a pose. 

More Than Butts in Seats

Education Sector recently completed an extensive process looking at higher education accountability systems in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. In part, we undertook the task to be able to answer comments like this one at the Chronicle of Higher Education:
As a former dean, I was responsible for collecting and reporting “outcome” data on both students and programs to the provost, who then reported it to the appropriate accrediting bodies. I am not aware of any attempt to use the data to inform policy decisions. To use the data in that way would have been completely inappropriate, since we only tended to collect data that was required, easily collectible, and fit neatly into a file for statistical analysis : butts in seats, before and after measures on very elementary standardized exams, student perceptions of faculty, etc. I don’t think any educated person would consider using such data to assess the quality of an institution.

Note how the commenter places contemptuous quotes around "outcomes." While his experience backs up our findings that many places are not collecting enough accountability information, our report documents places where it is being done: The University of Texas System is using Collegiate Learning Assessment and National Survey of Student Engagement scores in a meaningful way. South Dakota is using Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency scores to calculate learning gains for students in their first two years in college. The University of Hawaii-Hilo is using major field exams to test student knowledge across nine disciplines. Ohio is calculating expected graduation rates using student input demographics. A handful of states are using real wage data to track graduates after degree completion. These examples show that it is possible to assess student learning and outcomes across large and diverse higher education systems. States just need to follow these early leaders.

The other thing to note about the above comment is its derision of the current accountability system. Not only was his institution not collecting meaningful data, but they had no mechanism in place to use it effectively. Read our report, Ready to Assemble: A Model State Higher Education System, to see what data states are already collecting and how they are putting it to work.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Do What's Already Being Done

In September 2006, the bipartisan Spellings Commission lamented low college graduation rates, rising student costs, and inadequate information about student learning.

But while the report was correct in its emphasis, it was eventually doomed by the federal government's limited role in higher education. If colleges are going to be held accountable, states will have to carry most of the load. About three-quarters of all undergraduates are educated at public two- and four-year institutions, states provide the bulk of the funding for these institutions, and governors and state legislators appoint the trustees and governing boards that run them. If our colleges and universities are to improve, it must be states that provide the leadership. And, in an economic climate where postsecondary education credentials matter more than ever, it is in the best interest of states to maximize their investments.

In 2008, Education Sector conducted a comprehensive analysis of state higher education accountability systems. We examined thousands of documents, Web sites, laws, and policies for all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. We worked to answer two fundamental questions: 1) What kind of information does the state gather about its colleges and students? 2) How does the state use the information it gathers to make colleges and students more successful?

The results were both hopeful and sobering. On the plus side, states are collectively gathering a great deal of valuable information. Some have developed innovative methods to measure student progress in learning, graduation, and success in the work force. Others are carefully tracking the way colleges are distributing financial aid to low-income students. From research output to student engagement to economic impact, states are accumulating more information about more things in higher education than ever before.

But no state is gathering all the information it could. Best practices exist in isolation, with a handful of states tracking important outcomes that most states ignore.

Read today's Education Sector report, "Ready to Assemble: A Model State Higher Education Accountability System," to learn what states are already doing to make higher education systems accountable.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Time for an Education Bailout? California’s Schools Will Likely Need One

The latest numbers from California suggest that the state is running out of money so quickly that it may have to start to pay its bills with IOUs. It is uncertain what the impact of the state’s problem will be on schools, but it looks bad, and is getting worse by the day. In November, the state’s Legislative Analyst estimated a budget gap of around $28 billion between now and June 2010. The annual budget is just over $100 billion with around 40 percent of that going to schools (K-12 and community colleges) (see report here). The budget gap has jumped in the last week to $40 billion, and the urgency is mounting to act fast before the state runs out of money. The Governor has started a debt clock that ticks at $470 for each second of inaction (here) The State Treasurer has suggested that the state may have to stop all construction projects because it will run out of funding paying for its constitutional obligations.

The Governor called a special session in Nov with a lame duck state legislature to address a then smaller gap, and the session ended with no results. He declared a new special session with a new Legislature in December and started with generally the same mix of new revenues and cuts. The political battle is over how much of this gap will be covered with cuts vs. new revenues. The Governor and legislative Democrats (majority party in both houses) are proposing a mixture of new taxes and program cuts, with many differences between the two. In contrast the legislative Republicans are calling for programmatic cuts to solve the problem.

So What Does All of This Mean for Schools?
Schools have been waiting to see how bad the cuts will be. Today’s news suggests that it could be pretty bad. The Senate and Assembly Republican (minority party) weighed in with a proposal that was heavier on the cuts than on the new revenues (here). Combined their plan would address $22 billion of the $40 billion hole. And of that $22 billion roughly half ($10.6 billion) was reduction to K-14 education (K-12 schools and community colleges which are funded together through a constitutional minimum guarantee). In addition they propose significant reduction to early childhood programs. Since this year is already half over, there may not be a lot that schools can do to reduce costs significantly in the current school year, although they better save onto every unobligated nickel. And, while this proposal was quickly blasted by the Governor and the Democrats (here), it is important to recognize that this proposal only addresses half of the problem. So, if the state is going to solve the $40 billion hole, it may take this level of cuts to education or higher plus additional cuts and new taxes.

Why the Rest of the County Should Care.
One in every eight students in the US is educated in California. California current funding per pupil is already below the national average, and near the bottom if adjusted for cost of living. Because of its modest funding and high costs, California schools have smaller staffs than schools in other states – larger class sizes and fewer administrators and other support staff. Take off another $10 billion in funding, and class sizes will balloon even more. At what point does it become a national interest to keep schools from going under. Is it time for the federal government bailout for education? I think this would be a better investment in our future than many of the other bailouts being provided.


We returned from Finland on Saturday, so here are my initial overall impressions, focused mostly on the implications for K–12 education. To begin, let me acknowledge that one can't draw firm conclusions about cause and effect after a short visit. Spending a week in a far-off country means you return knowing a lot more than you knew, and a lot more than most people know back home. You're also armed with various illustrative anecdotes and quotations that are useful to bolster arguments. But I would never claim total knowledge of the American education system, and I live there, spent 19 years in school there, get paid to write and think about it full-time, etc. So my factual assertions will be limited to the obvious (e.g. it's very dark in winter), first-hand observations, and expert sources. When I say, for example, that "Finns are a punctual people," that's based on both experience (e.g. the senior ministry of education official who arrived at an 11:00 AM meeting at precisely 11:00 AM and said "I'm sorry for almost being late.") and official documents (it's a direct quote from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' official "Guide to Finnish Customs and Manners.")

I'll start by sketching out what Finland is like and how the education system works in broad strokes. It's a remote and sparsely populated nation. There are slightly fewer than 5.5 million people living in a land area about 80 percent the size of California, mostly near the southern coast. The population is racially and religiously homogenous—98 percent are native Finns and 82 percent are Lutheran. For almost 600 years, Finland was under the dominion of Sweden, which is why Swedish is still the second national language and all students are required to learn it in school, despite the fact that the Swedish language minority comprises only five percent of the population. The country's small immigrant population is growing, notably with Russians, Estonians, and Somalis. Finland has very liberal international trade policies, which is more or less a prerequisite for prosperity when you're a long way from everything and your only natural resource is wood. Labor markets, by contrast, are highly regulated, with roughly 70 percent of workers belonging to trade unions, including teachers. The biggest company is Nokia, the cell phone giant.

The Finnish sensibility is an interesting mix of individualism and cultural solidarity. On the one hand, they're very invested in the idea of equality and seem quite comfortable with the high-tax, high-service Nordic welfare state. Because Finland is geographically and linguistically remote—Finnish is a difficult language understood by few non-Finns—they seem to understand the need to stick together. But that mutual support is a means of giving people space to live their lives in an individual, self-directed way. Our hosts at the Finnish embassy in America said that they were far more involved with their neighbors and local community in the U.S. than back home. Finns tend to be taciturn; the chairperson of the Education Committee in Parliament compared Finns to the allegedly indecisive, endlessly voluble Swedes by telling us that "In Finland, we talk a little while, make a decision, and get to work." 

Finland received the highest scores in the world on PISA, an international test of 15-year olds in science, reading and math. That success was repeated on the 2003 and 2006 version of the test. This was, and is, a big deal for them. For most of its history, Finland was ruled by larger, more powerful nations to the east and west. Unlike Americans, they're not prone to think in terms of exceptionality and national greatness.

It's important to understand what Finland's PISA test score distribution looks like beyond the world-beating average. Performance in the top 10 percent of Finnish schools is almost exactly the same as the average among the top 10 percent of all OECD schools. Performance in the bottom 10 percent of Finnish schools, by contrast, is better than the median score for the OECD. In Finland, the Lake Wobegon effect is essentially real—it appears to have few if any low-performing schools. And this is perfectly congruent with the aims of its larger social and economic policies--few people get very rich, but no one is truly poor.

Finnish children don't start 1st grade until they're seven years old. But most are engaged with state-supported early childhood services from an early age. Parental leave policies are (as Dana Goldstein explains) very generous, and once parents return to work they have the choice of a receiving a child care subsidy or enrolling their children in municipal day care (the most popular option; we visited three such facilities during the week.) They're not in a big hurry to teach reading, focusing more on play and socialization, but it would be inaccurate to describe Finnish day care as non-educational. Half-day "preschool" begins at age six.

All children attend basic primary schools through the ninth grade, when most Finns are 15 years old. All schools follow a single national core curriculum that spells out what subjects must be taught at each grade level, the content to be covered, and the minimum number of hours of instruction. (This includes religious instruction or philosophy for those who opt out.) There are no formal national tests administered to all students a la NCLB. Nor is there a British-style inspectorate system. However, as fellow junketeer Matt Yglesias notes, this doesn't mean that there's no governmental assessment or oversight. National education officials used sample-based assessments to gauge progress, and local municipalities also administer tests as a means of managing their schools. It just happens in a more low-key, non-public way.

Grade retention is virtually unheard of in Finland, homework is generally light, and after-school tutoring is rare. As I wrote earlier, Finns spend significantly less time on education than most countries, particularly the other high-performing nations. While ability grouping is officially disallowed, the principal in the primary school we visited said they try to give more instruction to high-end students in subject like math. While there are no charter schools or vouchers per se, some parents have options among public schools, particularly in Helsinki where population density makes travel to multiple schools feasible. One principal in a school we visited spoke of the school's music and foreign language programs as being key to attracting students. But since standards, funding levels, and teachers in public schools are generally uniform and evenly distributed, and (per above) school-to-school performance variation is unusually low, there seems to be less impetus to create policies designed to engender market competition. 

After ninth grade, the system splits in two. Some students apply to and attend "upper secondary" schools, where they study for three (or sometimes four) years and take college prep-type classes. These students are given a lot of latitude to decide what classes to take (see previous re: independence), and the courses mix students from different age cohorts. Upper secondary students are required to take high-stakes, subject-specific "matriculation exams," the rough equivalent of "A-levels" in the U.K. The results help determine whether students get into the university of their choice—or any university at all. School-level results are publicized by the Finnish media, to the consternation of education officials.

The rest of the students attend three-year vocational high schools, where they receive further education while training for careers. Admission can also be competitive; the vocational school we visited turns away many applicants for it hairdressing program every year. (Hair seems important; one student noted that "Finnish hair is fine and thin, so if your hairdresser makes a mistake the whole village will know.") In one class students were practicing on mannequins while another taught them how to calculate profit margins and otherwise run the financial side of the business. Most Finnish hairdressers are sole proprietors who belong to the hairdressers union. (For those who think welfare states are totally incompatible with capitalism and entrepreneurialism, let me direct you to words such as "profit margins" and "sole proprietors" in the previous sentence.")

The Finnish higher education system has a similar dual structure. There are 20 universities, research institutions built in the classic German mold, and 28 polytechnic institutions where students study subjects like engineering, business and nursing. ("Vocational education" generally has a much broader meaning in Finland than America.) While students can theoretically cross back and forth between the dual tracks, most don't, with the upper secondary schools providing the large majority of undergraduates in both universities and polytechnics. Men are required to spend a year in military service, and it's normal for Finnish students to knock around for a while and not start college until their early or even mid-20s. College tuition is universally free and students also receive a small living stipend while they study.

When asked to reveal the secrets of their PISA success, Finns generally cite two things: egalitarian policies and the quality of the teaching workforce. Finnish teachers are required to get a master's degree from a university in order to get a full-time job. Admission to the programs is extremely competitive, with 10 – 12 percent admission rates overall and a 7 percent rate for the primary teacher education program at the flagship University of Helsinki. A faculty member there told us that applicants came from the top half of the upper secondary pool, which is itself already selective. Teacher applicants sit for a single national exam, with the top scorers moving on to a second screening process based on interviews and in some cases structured teaching observations.

Once they hit the classroom, teachers' salaries are fairly modest, roughly equal those in America. Tenure isn't as automatic as in the states, but all teachers are unionized and enjoy substantial job security. While base salaries are determined by a uniform national schedule, teachers can get paid more to teach in the frozen north or on small islands in the eastern archipelago. Locally-funded performance pay is also an option—in the Helsinki upper secondary school we visited, the municipal government sent the entire faculty on a vacation to Rome as reward for meeting pre-defined (and partially test-based) performance goals. The national student / teacher ratio is slightly below the OECD average, but classes can sometimes be quite large. Teachers are said to enjoy a great deal of autonomy in the classroom—as long as they stick to the national curriculum. "Teachers are told what to teach," one Board of Education official told us, "but not how."

Teaching as an extremely competitive and prestigious profession is obviously quite a contrast to the state of things in the United States. Over the course of the week, we asked almost everyone we spoke with—teachers, principals, ministry officials, politicians—why Finns were so eager to get into teaching. Some cited the satisfactions of professional autonomy. But most came around to some variation of "it's just always been that way." Interestingly, while everyone had clearly thought about this a lot, their historical explanations varied substantially. The consolidated Finnish creation myth of teacher prestige goes something like this:

For many hundreds of years, Finland was a province of neighboring greater powers, first Sweden, then Russia. In the mid-19th century, a new sense of national identity began to emerge, expressed by poets, painters and composers (e.g. Sibelius). At that time, Finland was a very rural society. In every village, there were two important people: the priest and the teacher. Literacy was valued, in part because of Lutheran tradition. So teachers helped Finns become Finns. In the early 20th century the progressive labor movement put a strong emphasis on education and training. Meanwhile, the agrarian movement (now represented by the Centre party in Parliament) put a strong emphasis on the civilization of the rural population. Pro-Christian groups also valued civic education. Many teachers were called to serve as non-commissioned officers in the 1939 Winter War with Russia, a source of national pride. In general, Finnish people understand the vital importance of education to national prosperity and survival, and thus appreciate the role teachers play.

All of which may be true, although as Matt pointed out at one point, many similar things could be said of other European countries where the best and the brightest aren't clamoring to get into the classroom today.

What, then, to conclude about Finland? Despite my recent admonitions, I'm sure that Finnish PISA scores will continue to be deployed as easy evidence in support of various policy agendas. So here are the winners and losers in the "Inappropriately De-contextualized Finnish Education Policy Olympics":

Teacher unionism
National standards
Mandatory university-based teacher education
Government-sponsored child care and early childhood education
High entry standards into teaching
Teacher autonomy

Expanded school time
Class size reduction
Strict regulatory and inspectorate-based accountability systems
Increased teacher salaries
School choice

Of course, it makes zero sense to look at things this way. Which is not to say that we have nothing to learn from Finland or other countries; Americans spend too little time considering lessons from abroad. But we have to think about the totality of systems and societies. With that in mind, here's my best guess—and it's a hypothesis, nothing more—about why Finland is so successful and what that means.

In a nutshell, Finland suggests that an egalitarian culture and social policies to match not only make education more effective, they make it less complicated. Or to put it another way: if you know you can trust people, it eliminates the need to do a lot other things.

If you can convince your best students to try and become teachers, for example—even though only 10 percent will be accepted and they'll have to spend five years getting a master's degree—you reap a lot of benefits. Teacher training can be rigorous because the students are smart enough to handle it. Teachers can manage larger classes and work autonomously to achieve common curricular goals. Maybe you don't need to pay them more than a middle class wage (although this is complicated by Finland's very different labor market and compressed range of salaries throughout the economy relative to the American labor free-for-all.) The fact that bad teachers are hard to fire is only a minor annoyance, because there just aren't many bad teachers.

If you provide decent social services and support families with children throughout their lives, then students come to school with fewer behavioral problems, more ready to learn. The high school students we saw were just like ours in many ways—energetic, curious, easily distractable, strangely dressed. But there was an underlying calm to it all that American schools seem to lack. There were no hall monitors, no security guards, and the school administrators reported spending very little time on discipline. The school—and society at large—trusted the students, and the students responded.

All of this makes the primary and secondary schools in Finland good places to work, which makes good people want to work there, which makes them good places to work, and so on. The Finnish combination of social and education policy clearly has many virtues and it's no wonder that many people want to learn from their example. The whole Broader / Bolder agenda essentially boils down to, "If we were Finland, we wouldn't need education reform."

Which may very well be true. But we're not Finland, we haven't been, and we won't be anytime soon. What, then, should we do?

We could start by getting closer. People sometimes dismiss the possibility of learning from Nordic countries out of hand due to their small size and high level of homogeneity. But I don't really buy that. Finland has a lot of empty space, climactic extremes, little arable land or mineral wealth. Nearly everyone is white and the population is dominated by one religion, with most inhabitants living in or near the capital city. But all of those things are also true of Utah; the only difference is that Finland has twice as many people. And the American states that come closest to Finland-level education performance aren't like Utah. They appear to be Massachusetts and Minnesota, both of which have long traditions of liberal policy and only one of which has an obvious Scandinavian cultural tradition. Massachusetts in particular has people from all sorts of racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds. Moreover, there's no inherent contradiction between prosperity and things like generous parental leave, subsidized child care, universal health care and equitable school funding systems. The United States has the 6th highest GDP per capita in the world, while Finland is 20th—but with a lot less poverty. It's not that we can't be more like Finland, it's that many of us just don't seem to want to. 

That said, Americans have distinct national values that differ from other parts of the world, and distinct realities to confront. Our individualism is more rugged, for one. We’re huge and diverse, open to immigration, and changing all the time. Our federal system of government limits the scope of national policies. We don't have the Finnish historical tradition of valuing teachers, wherever it might have come from.

This creates vexing problems of timing and sequence. We didn't do what was needed to create good schools for everyone. But we can't turn back the clock or make ourselves what we're not. There's a fair critique of the contemporary education reform movement that likens it to an escalating series of pharmaceutical interventions—you give someone a drug to solve a problem, and it works to some extent but also creates side effects that require more drugs, and so on with a need for constant monitoring and fine-tuning and escalating complication, all at great expense, when all the while the patient would have been much better off they'd never been sick in the first place. But a lot of our schools are sick, right now. Finland trusts local schools to do a good job (while monitoring performance in a relatively non-intense way), and they respond. Sadly, a lot of American students are educated in municipalities (I live in one) that have historically proven to be untrustworthy.

So, I think we need to move full speed ahead with policies aimed at identifying the lowest performing schools and improving them by whatever means necessary, including shutting them down and educating their students elsewhere, along with creating more public school choices for parents. There's little to learn from Finland here, due to the absence of really terrible Finnish schools.

Finland suggests that you can have national standards without somehow stamping all the individuality out of K–12 education. National standards are seen by many as a political non-starter in the United States, due to the clichéd (but broadly true) observation that conservatives don't like the "national" part and liberals don't like "standards." But that's mostly a political problem. There's really no strong empirical or policy justification for having, say, 51 different sets of standards for 4th grade math, assigned to students based on their residence in political subdivisions that were created via semi-arbitrary historic processes involving essentially non-educational events (i.e. wars, purchase from foreign countries, etc.) People speak from time to time about states as the laboratories of democracy etc. in this area, but that strikes me as mostly nonsensical and really just a way of constructing an after-the-fact policy argument to justify not spending time working on a politically difficult issue.

I'm not ready to endorse the Finnish dual-track secondary / post-secondary system. It has advantages, particularly in the (relative) non-marginalization of students who attend vocational schools and the whole idea of career-focused education. But while the official Finnish education org chart has lots of horizontal lines going back and forth between the tracks, officials there acknowledge that few students actually move from vocational education to university degrees. Putting people in their place so early in life seems, well, un-American.

Finally, it really does all seem to come back to teachers. There's a huge push underway in the K–12 policy world right now to improve the quality of the teaching workforce. But whenever someone suggests doing this by raising some bar or another—e.g. program entry standards, rigor of training programs, certification requirements, on-the-job performance and tenure standards, etc.—the response is always something along the lines of "Where are you going to find all of these new people who want to be teachers? We barely have enough now." Teach for America has already disproved this in principle, at least to an extent. Twenty years ago, graduates of elite colleges weren't clamoring to enter the teaching profession as it was then defined. Then Wendy Kopp came along and defined it differently, appealing to people's sense of service and adding the crucial element of selectivity—and thus, prestige. Teaching in Finland is not a high-prestige profession that anyone can enter. Indeed, there's probably no such thing.

We don't have Sibelius or a compressed wage distribution or a tradition of teacher prestige in America, so we're probably not going to get to a 10 percent program acceptance rate—or the Gladwell / Kane model of letting four candidates give teaching a shot for every one we give a permanent job—anytime soon. But I think we can do a whole lot better than we are. And if we did that—along with common standards and social policies that support families—we could start to break out of the cycle of low performance and increased pressure and political backlash that we're currently in, and move toward a world where education is more trust-driven, less complicated, and more effective all around.