Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Whac-a-Charter School

Joe Williams’ Ed Next cover article about charter school opposition put me in mind of my late, lamented Whac-a-Mole Game. About four years ago a home version of the Whac-a-Mole carnival game popped up in my recommendations, and I just had to have it. It was by far the best $10 I ever spent. Sadly, after a few years of serious abuse, Whac-a-Mole died this year and now sits forlornly in a corner of my bookshelf. Even worse, it’s apparently been discontinued, probably because it was a very dangerous toy—people got hurt playing Whac-a-Mole, which was part of what made it so darn fun. Milton-Bradley now makes a watered down, much less fun-looking but probably safer (and also more expensive!) version of the game, but it’s a pale imitation. Rather than a board of about 8 moles like my game had, where you have to be alert to all the moles and a true master wins by not only hitting her moles but also blocking the opponent from hitting his moles (that's how one gets hurt), the new Milton Bradley version has only four moles, and each player is assigned exactly one mole. Boring! If anyone reading this happens to know where I can get a version of my beloved and discontinued Whac-a-Mole, or has facility with electronics and might be able to help me fix it, I would be exceedingly thankful. To sort of pretend I'm making this post education-relevant: Read Joe's article!

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