Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Best Practice?

The Post went above the fold this morning with a story detailing how Mayor Fenty's reform plan for DC Public Schools contains numerous passages copied verbatim from the strategic plan for Charlotte-Mecklenburg school system.

This is front-page news?

Seriously, as far as I'm concerned Mayor Fenty can rename the entire school district after Charlotte-Mecklenburg if that would help the kids in DC's many low-performing schools. Charlotte-Mecklenburg was a finalist for the 2004 Broad Prize for urban education. It also had the highest test scores among all the large urban districts surveyed in the 2005 National Assessement of Education Progress Trial Urban District Assessment. Do we want the mayor to sit around for a couple of years re-inventing various wheels, or do we want him to move quickly and adopt practices that have worked elsewhere? This story is so busy amalgamating the elements of two standard-issue news stories--the plagiarism scandal and the urban school scandal--that it manages to miss all the important issues at play.

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