Monday, June 25, 2007

School Time

I've been on leave but not so far gone that I haven't managed to talk to reporters about lengthening the school day, an issue that is proving to have legs. Bolstered by the Gates/Broad "Ed in '08" effort, more school time is hotter than it has been in decades. Reporters have consistently asked "what's the biggest obstacle to extending school time?" The short answer is money, although of course it's more complicated, as I explain here. Folks balk at the cost of adding hours or days, which is fair considering a single extra day of public school would cost a state millions of dollars. If it is a worthwhile expense (yes, it's got promise but no, it's certainly not a wholesale national solution to poor quality schools and low student performance), the money has to flow in and out of somewhere, so who gets it and where it comes from are the toughest questions. School districts, for example, are eyeing 21st Century Community Center funds as an innovative way to fund more school hours just as many existing afterschool programs are becoming wary of losing this funding. Here's hoping this doesn't devolve into a school versus afterschool battle since, in the end, it's going to take a well-coordinated effort by both for kids to get the learning opportunities they need to make it in and out of school. More from me (including some baby bragging) when i return later in July.

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