Thursday, August 30, 2007

Don't Do It, Virginia

Okay, let's check the logic on the no-college-for-undocumented-students debate. You've got a large group of undocumented students, many of whom have been here since kindergarten, who have just graduated from taxpayer-funded public schools. You can either let these students go on to college and benefit from the years of elementary and secondary schooling you've already funded up to this point, or you can drop these high school graduates from the system right when they're poised to refine their skills and advance in the U.S. workforce and society. Hmmm. Well if you pick the latter, which Virginia has, you're setting yourself up for failure. These students are not going "home". I guess we could build a wall around all of the colleges and universities, but there's a better solution here.

Day later update: Federal court upholds the dismissal of a case in which out-of-state citizen students argued for in-state tuition rates at Kansas colleges and universities if undocumented immigrants (who reside in Kansas and graduated from Kansas high schools) get in-state tuition.

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