Saturday, March 01, 2008

Union Busting

AFTie Ed flags this story from Illinois, where it appears that when teachers in a newly-opened charter school attempted to unionize, the school responded with various heavy-handed and probably illegal tactics including loyalty oaths, etc. In my mind, if a charter school opens its doors, the teachers are happy working there without being represented by a union, and (most importantly) the students get a high-quality education, then that's fine. If, however, the teachers decide they want to unionize, then the only morally defensible response is to accept it, embrace it, bargain, and move forward. The right to organize is non-negotiable. Union-busting tactics like these are just as odious in public education as in Wal-Mart or anywhere else, if not more so. Any responsible teaching of history in the public schools will include the prominent role of labor in creating the way of life that all workers, union and non-union alike, currently enjoy, as well as the vicious, sometimes deadly struggles that those gains required. Schoolchildren shouldn't be taught those lessons even as their school administrators repudiate them. 

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