Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Wire Finale

In which everything comes full circle, and Baltimore remains the same. 

Summary: Dukie becomes Bubbles, while Bubbles comes up from the depths into--and onto--the Sun. Michael becomes Omar, while Omar passes into myth. Carver becomes Daniels and/or Bunny, while Daniels decides he can't be part of the lie that destroyed the job.  Sydnor becomes Lester, while Lester retires to a happy life making miniature furniture and a family with Shardene, the stripper from Season One. Chris becomes Wee-Bey, and the two of them of hang out at the prison fence reserved for guys who took all the weight. Marlo sells the crown and tries to become Stringer, only to find that he misses the taste of blood. Cheese sums up the nature of the Game and then gets got by Slim Charles, in the most deserved execution of the year. Carcetti becomes governor, and takes Rawls and Lester the jester along for the ride. Prez finally becomes Prez. Some stuff happens with the newspaper too, but that's not important right now. 

Others have noted that the first three seasons of The Wire function like a self-contained whole. In retrospect,  seasons four and five feel a little like the world's longest prequel, set in post-script continuity, telling the stories of how many of the major characters came to be. The finale lacked the emotional punch of episodes eight and nine, mostly because by the end all the major events had occurred and decisions made, leaving the last 90 minutes to square the circle and tie it in a bow. It was more optimistic than I had anticipated, having made his point about all the major forces corrupting Baltimore--the drug suppliers, lawyers, politicians, and media corporations all escape unscathed--David Simon seemed content to give viewers a measure of closure with the characters they'd come to know. For that--and much more--I say thanks. More tomorrow. 

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