Friday, January 02, 2009

Change, Exported

I'm in Panama (the country with the canal, not the city with the Spring Break parties) seeing some family. Driving down the Pan-American Highway, a road that links Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to the far south of South America, I see a sign for a Panamanian presidential candidate with the slogan, "El Cambio en que puedes confiar." Translated: The Change You Can Believe In.

I guess this means President-elect Obama is already shaping foreign elections...

1 comment:

Miguel Guhlin (@mGuhlin) said...

Panama!!! That's my home country! Enjoy!!

As to that campaign slogan, it's more like "trust in." Panamanian politicians have it tough being trusted by the populace. Ask your cab driver--the resident experts on the body politic--about it.

Warm regards from a Panamanian in Texas,

Miguel Guhlin
Around the