Friday, June 05, 2009

Positive Reinforcement

The ES on-line discussion on positive incentives continues today (here). Join Michael Barber, Sandy Kress, Dominic Brewer, Andy Rotherham and myself in discussing the role of positive incentives in our school system. While the conversation started off focused on positive incentives and school reward programs, we quickly broadened the scope. This is in recognition that positive incentives need to be a part of a more comprehensive education reform approach. These thought leaders saw strong ties between school rewards and performance pay. For performance pay approaches to be successful and sustainable, there needs to be significant improvements in teacher evaluation processes. The discussion has touched on national standards, quality assessments and measurement tools, school autonomy, serving special need populations and how these issues relate to positive incentives. Sandy informs us about the new Texas accountability system just adopted by their Legislature and the role of positive incentives in it. Michael and Sandy discuss the importance of positive incentive in media relations. Plus as a bonus, Michael provides some marital advice. I started applying his sage words this morning in my house. So join the discussion and get your questions answered as well.

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