Thursday, September 14, 2006


I feel like I should have something smart to say about Tuesday's election and Adrian Fenty as the next Mayor of D.C., but I don't. (Nathan at DCedublog, where are you when I need you?) People in D.C.'s charter movement who know more than I do about this and whose opinions I respect seem to think Fenty will be more supportive of charter schools than the other major candidates would have been, but there's still a lot of uncertainty about what a Fenty administration will mean for both DCPS and the city's charter schools.

Education was a big issue in the election. (Both Cropp and Fenty seemed to spend a lot of money sending me glossy folders proclaiming how much they cared about the schools.) But it's an open question whether that attention will translate into real school improvements. (I'm not holding my breath.) In November, D.C. voters will elect a new school board president, and voters in Wards 5, 6, 7 & 8 also choose school board district reps, so stay tuned.

Andy has related non-D.C. election news, too.

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