Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Kopp on Colbert

Thanks to Tivo, my late-night comedy viewing tends to take place on a 20-hour time delay, so I didn't know that Teach for America founder Wendy Kopp was on the Colbert Report until I came home from work today. You can watch the video here. In a lot of ways, it's most interesting for what you don't see--this has to be one of the most straight-up interviews Colbert has done. Colbert's one real fake question was along the lines of, "Why do we need you, since we already have a law that says no child shall be left behind?" To which Kopp said, quite correctly, that's exactly why we need organizations like TFA. NCLB tells us where the problems are, TFA is one of the solutions.

Some messages are so clear and compelling that they're hard to make fun of, even on Comedy Central.

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