Friday, July 18, 2008

The NEA Wants Your Stories

I subscribe to the NEA's email list, and the latest one had this eye-catching opening:
Have You Been Caught on YouTube?
A student videotaped a teacher at Malibu High School who lost control of the class and raised his voice while students laughed at him. Another video showed an angry high school teacher forcing a student to stand for the National Anthem by yanking his chair out from under him. Outrageous classroom moments are being captured on cell phone cameras and broadcast on YouTube for the entire world to see. Has this happened to you or any of your colleagues? Share your story and be considered for an upcoming NEA Today article.
They direct you to a discussion board that's a little more on message, but I really don't understand why the NEA would want to collect stories about poor or violent teachers caught on tape.


Anonymous said...

Or why any poor or violent teacher would want to share such a story? If I were caught up in this kind of situation, the last thing I would do is share it with the world. It would be too embarrassing!

Unknown said...

I have one word for you:


That is the only reason for capturing these kinds of videos and actions. The lawsuit will no doubt allege violations of privacy, defamation or some sort, posting of images without permission, etc.

Watch for it in the courts.